fu li中文什么意思

发音:   用"fu li"造句
  • li:    n. (pl. li) 〔汉语〕 ( ...
  • li fu:    傅丽; 李夫; 者 傅莉
  • fu-li li:    李福利
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  1. Name fu li ping
  2. Our asian region is located in fu li economic zone , north of min hang district , sales branch offices in shanghai , chongqing and beijing
  3. Other than that , committee member in the executive yuan fu li - yeh and famous scholars like xin bin - long , wu - zhong - ji and zhang ching - xi would present in this conference
  4. Because of nanyue mountain ( chang shou - shan ) , shek kwu college ( song taizong treason 2003 , the national academy of four ) , with wang chuan , cai lun , fu li , peng yu - scales , and other celebrities and the birth of the precipitation value xiang cultural uniqueness yanfeng rain , shek kwu jiangshan , anther spring river , xue - ling yue ping , zhu ling shidong , grass white wine bridge home , the west lake night - white lotus , look at the east , and warm peach wave steaming mountain city shigu , hunan , lei sanshui in this intersection and the huang director
    因受南岳衡山(五岳寿山) 、石鼓书院(宋太宗至道三年,全国四大书院之一)影响,随着王船山、蔡伦、李芾、彭玉鳞等众多名人的诞生而沉淀了衡湘文化的精髓,雁峰烟雨、石鼓江山、花药春溪、岳屏雪岭、朱陵诗洞、青草桥头酒白家、西湖夜放白莲花、细看东州桃浪暖及市内石鼓山下蒸、湘、耒三水在此交汇而名遐三湘。


  1. fu kwo 什么意思
  2. fu lai 什么意思
  3. fu lan 什么意思
  4. fu lang 什么意思
  5. fu lei 什么意思
  6. fu li hotel 什么意思
  7. fu li ya hotel 什么意思
  8. fu liang 什么意思
  9. fu lianzhang 什么意思
  10. fu liao 什么意思


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